Losing the will…

It’s been a long time since my last post. I am finding it really hard to stay motivated and questioning if I want to continue with the course. I am now working on assignment three and I will have to extend my deadline.

Most worrying is that I have not got to grips with level two at all. This continues on a daily basis and I’m hoping that now the new year is upon us and the endless stream of Christmas and New Year visitors and gallivanting has diminished, I will be able to knuckle down and kick the shit out of my writing.

Primarily I must stop procrastinating and make sure that I spend enough time on the exercises and research. From the outset, my first two assignments were rushed and this cycle has continued into my latest. Gah!

I always try to adhere to my tutors’ advice from their reports on each assignment. My first was confusing. It was meant to read from an adult perspective but came across from a child’s. I was grateful that my tutor was able to make sense of it in the end and thought my story was well structured and its pace well judged. My dialogue too sounded authentic. Phew! However, when punctuating speech, I blew it! I stupidly misplaced commas and full stops and didn’t differentiate characters between paragraphs. Needless to say, I made sure my dialogue punctuation in assignment two was absolutely right!

Feedback on assignment two focused on my viewpoint. I flitted around from one viewpoint to another and changed tenses every so often confusing my tutor. As my tutor pointed out its the little things on which I need to concentrate. Reading my work aloud, I think will help to alleviate the minor aggravations and inconsistencies.

I enjoy writing my reflective commentaries at the end of each assignment. It seems my tutor does too and I hope this bodes well towards my critical review/essay.

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